Temporal Demand Forecasting Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Comparative study of Open Source Solutions: Built a production ready machine-learning solution using - Python deep learning libraries with results expecting to save inventory costs and increase efficiency

Predicting and Optimizing Transportation Costs for a National Retailer Under Tiered Rebate Constraints: Built a forecasting model that supports reporting of weekly expected rebate numbers in an annual tiered delivery contract.

Decision Support System for Music Producer: Implemented dashboard application that uses Spotify datasets to partially cluster songs by their popularity and revenue capability

Music Producer Dashboard UI

Dockerized implementation of TensorFlow solution: Created a production-like instance of an object-detection solution build using TensorFlow library on Google Cloud server using Docker and Kubernettes technology.

Options Valuation Calculator: Built an Options valuation calculator based on Black-Scholes-Merton Model using R programming language and Shiny framework

Options Valuation Calculator